
Our Services

Empowering Your Hotel Team with World-Class Training

We offer industry-leading hotel training solutions designed to help your team excel. Our programs focus on six core areas crucial for a successful hotel operation:


The success of any hotel hinges on the exceptional performance of its team, beginning with its leadership. At hosstinn, our specialized leadership training programs are designed to cultivate essential skills required by top-tier hotel managers and executives. These programs not only enhance existing leadership capabilities but are also structured to transform any team member into a visionary leader. Empower your staff with the tools they need to excel and drive your hotel’s success.

hospitality industry training

In the highly competitive hospitality industry, the distinction between a good hotel and a great hotel lies in its management. Efficient hotel management is crucial for ensuring smooth, profitable operations and delivering exceptional guest experiences. At hosstinn, we provide specialized hotel management training to help your team excel and keep your hotel competitive in the marketplace. Our comprehensive training programs are designed to enhance leadership skills, improve operational efficiency, and boost profitability.

Hotel Management Training

Operational excellence forms the bedrock of a hotel’s success. Striving for perfection in every facet of your hotel operations is essential to delivering impeccable service to your guests. At hosstinn, our holistic approach ensures that all operational areas, from housekeeping management to inbound logistics, function at optimal efficiency. This comprehensive focus on operational integrity empowers your hotel to exceed guest expectations and achieve superior service standards.

Operational excellence training

In an era where sustainability is not just a trend but a fundamental expectation, our program positions hotels to be pioneers in eco-friendly practices. Recognizing the crucial role of sustainability in the hospitality industry, we equip your hotel to minimize environmental impacts and actively contribute to the local community. With hosstinn, embrace a leadership role in sustainable hospitality, setting new standards for environmental stewardship and community engagement.

Sustainability training

At the core of the hospitality industry is the art of delivering exceptional service. Professional skills are pivotal to the success of any hotel, driving superior guest experiences and operational efficiency. Our program at hosstinn enhances these crucial skills, covering everything from multilingual proficiency and digital tool utilization to advanced time management techniques. Equip your team with the comprehensive skills needed to excel in today’s dynamic hospitality landscape.

Operational excellence training

Prioritizing the wellness of hospitality professionals is essential for maintaining not only their personal health but also for ensuring they can deliver exceptional service to guests. Our programs at hosstinn cover a comprehensive range of wellness topics, from mental health support and injury prevention to enhancing staff-client relations. By investing in the well-being of your staff, you extend that same high level of care to every guest, enriching their experience and your reputation.

Wellbeing training

Hotel growth through staff training

hosstinn is your go-to hotel training platform, recognized for its award-winning, comprehensive approach. Our customized training plans and advanced tools are designed to meet the unique needs of your hotel, ensuring your team has the expertise to deliver outstanding guest experiences.

Personalization of learning through AI

We use machine learning and AI tools to provide more information to our experts and make your training truly amazing and unique. We analyze the shortcomings of your hotel to build customized training itineraries for your team.

Unique and flexible learning

Experience a customized learning journey tailored exclusively for your hotel. Our platform empowers each team member to learn at their own pace, ensuring optimal growth and development.

Expert Insights

Unleash your team's potential with hotel industry experts who bring over 15 years of experience and a proven track record with leading hotel chains. All at your service with hosstinn.

Progress Monitoring

Empower your team to succeed with user-friendly tools designed for easy monitoring, management, and tracking.

Certification Program

Provide your team with industry-recognized certificates that validate their expertise and enhance your hotel's reputation.

Interactive and unlimited training

Experience our innovative, fully digital, interactive, and gamified learning methodology. We are dedicated to continuously providing fresh, engaging content.

Our plans

We are dedicated to enhancing your hotel’s staff qualifications and achieving your business goals with our annual commitment and flexible contract options.




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What is included:



All Essential features +


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Get started with Exclusive Free Courses to Elevate Your Skills

Leadership training

A Manager's Guide to Give Feedback

This course provides managers with the essential skills and knowledge to give effective feedback to their employees. It covers the importance of feedback, how to prepare for and deliver feedback, and how to and how to handle difficult feedback conversations.

Building your personal brand

Building Your Personal Brand

Be prepared to identify your personal values, strengths, and unique qualities, and how to effectively communicate these to others through your leadership brand. You will acquire a strong and authentic leadership brand that sets you apart as a leader and enhances your professional reputation.

Join our community of hospitality heroes

Elevate your hospitality skills with our unique tips delivered straight to your inbox. Join our community and together we will take service excellence to a new level. Sign up now!

Empower your team with our leading training for hotel staff

At hosstinn, we believe in the power of a better team for a better hotel. Take the first step in transforming your hospitality experience by choosing our comprehensive hotel staff training and development opportunities.

Let us equip your team with cutting-edge skills and knowledge, enhancing your hotel’s attractiveness in the industry.

Training 100% subsidized by Fundae

Award-winning e-learning platform

How we do it ?

hospitality industry team

Customized Training Plan

At hosstinn, we understand the unique needs of your establishment. Upon joining our platform and customizing your profile, our advanced learning technologies and sector expertise are deployed to devise a tailored training plan. We start by analyzing your specific requirements to ensure that our learning solutions seamlessly integrate with your operational goals, enhancing your team’s performance and efficiency.

Active Collaboration and Empowerment

Our approach involves a close partnership with your management and HR teams to thoroughly comprehend the learning objectives and aspirations of your staff. This collaboration enables us to design a distinct educational pathway that is practical, applicable, and aligned with your hotel’s vision. Through ongoing engagement and feedback analysis, we continuously refine our strategies to ensure they contribute effectively to your operational success.

Ongoing Development and Adaptation

The hospitality industry is perpetually evolving, and so is our commitment to your hotel’s growth. We regularly monitor the progress of your team, updating our platform with the latest content and recommending new training initiatives that match industry trends and standards. With hosstinn, your workforce will not only keep pace but lead in a competitive market, ensuring your hotel's continuous improvement and success.

Welcome to our exclusive free course designed to help you excel in the hospitality industry. At hosstinn, we are dedicated to providing top-notch training and resources to empower hotel staff like you. Our course is crafted by industry experts to ensure you gain the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in your career.

To enroll, simply provide your professional email address (we do not accept personal emails) and company information. After enrolling, you will receive an invitation to join our platform within 24 hours.

We are excited to have you on board and look forward to supporting your journey to success!

Bienvenido a nuestro exclusivo curso gratuito diseñado para ayudarte a destacar en el sector de la hostelería.
En hosstinn, nos dedicamos a proporcionar formación y recursos de primera categoría para capacitar al personal hotelero como tú.
Nuestro curso está elaborado por expertos del sector para garantizar que adquieres los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para prosperar en tu carrera.

Para inscribirte, sólo tienes que indicar tu dirección de correo electrónico profesional (no aceptamos correos personales) y los datos de tu empresa.
Tras inscribirte, recibirás una invitación para unirte a nuestra plataforma en un plazo de 24 horas.

Estamos encantados de tenerte a bordo y esperamos poder ayudarte en tu camino hacia el éxito.