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The ultimate story behind hosstinn

12 min lectura

Together, we form a necessary paradox;
not a senseless contradiction.
Criss Jami, Healology

Why do we explain you this?

We hope that you feel identified with our values, and our history, as we do with you. We would love to connect with you in a more personal way, and for this, we start by showing you one of our peculiarities.

Our name comes from…

It all started whilst the two founders of hosstinn, Sandra & Ismail were having an easy, relaxed conversation one afternoon. They were having their cup of tea and coffee while chatting about all the big hits in the digital industry. They were discussing on which name they should chose for their project and future company.

Ismail started commenting on the big successes of companies such as; Spotify and Netflix. Both are great examples of rising digital companies in the 21st century.

In the case of Spotify, the former was created by two founders in completely different industries until they merged together to form an etymology of a combination of “spot” and “identify”. Hence, Spotify. Netflix was given its name in the same way. It was first named Kibble although the founders thought it wouldn’t do justice to the actual service. Therefore, they separated a blackboard in two parts and started to join words related to the “Internet” & “Cinema”, until they came up with “Netflix”.

Well, something similar happened with hosstinn. Along the lines of connecting different adjectives to come up with a name that would be coherent with the project they had in mind; solve a general issue in the hospitality sector with the standardization of service in an innovative way.

As both the founders were playing up with random names, Sandra had an eureka moment and she popped up with “hosstinn”. The explanation behind that comes from – Hos (Hospitality) st (Standards) inn (Innovation).

Both of them immediately liked it and decided to hop on the train. 

If you want to know more about hosstinn, we invite you to contact us.

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