
In collaboration with

Leadership Coach

The Power of Delegating

Unleash your full potential as a leader and learn to effectively delegate with renowned coach Miriam Duarte.

If you want to stop running behind the clock, become better organized and enjoy greater well-being, we invite you to the first FREE workshop of our Leadership Program.

Discover what is holding you back and take a step closer to achieving your goals

What to expect in this FREE workshop?

In one week, we will accompany you through different formats in order to improve your delegating skills.

  1. A web-based series detailing our 5-step program to learn about the delegating.
  2. A FREE 30 minutes coaching session to determine your needs and objectives.
  3. An editable e-book to guide you through a deeper introspection, and practice first hand what you learned.

Clarify Your Goals

Identify Obstacles

Plan Action Strategy

Improve Your Life

Discover our Ultimate Leadership Program

Have you ever through that there were not enough hours in a day ? Are you having difficulties achieving everything you set out to do? Then learn more about our exclusive Ultimate Leadership Program

Course 1: A journey Through Organizational Culture

Course 2: A Manager's Guide to Give Feedback

Course 3: Leadership VS Management

Course 4: Leadership Branding

Course 5: A Practical Guide to Emotional Intelligence

Course 6: The Art of Being Happy at Work


Start delegating effectively with us in the first workshop of the full Leadership Program.

FREE and without commitment.

Our job is to accompany you, help you, offer answers and the tools you need to achieve Work – Life balance

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