
How to drive employee retention up in hotels and hospitality?

Improve employee retention in your hotel with the right tools and benefits

A good employee is an invaluable asset in any company, they can have a deep impact on production, the way other employees perform, and the solidness of your service. They are also an attractive target for your competitors. All of this makes employee retention in hotels one of the biggest issues business will face. 

Increase your benefits package 

Having solid benefits in your employment package is a huge help. Ones that consider the perks outside of a good paycheck, can make your employees turn away other offers, even if the pay is more. Because money is not everything when it comes down to staying at a company. 

Consider life outside of a paycheck to come up with a great benefits package. 

  1. Work-life balance.
  2. Professional development.
  3. Career opportunity.
  4. Aligned values.
  5. Team activities.
  6. Offering health insurance.

Give employees opportunities for growth 

Stagnation is one of the biggest demotivators for employees. Staying put in the same job title, and responsibilities can hamper morale. Pushing your staff to look at other possibilities. 

A great boss can have a huge impact on employee retention in hotels.

Build a solid company culture 

Company culture is more than just a slogan. It’s about creating the right type of environment where your employees can flourish and excel. A good environment for growth and fostering retentions includes:

  • The freedom to communicate with management. 
  • Allowing employees to work independently.  
  • Managers that delegate and distribute work fairly.
  • Negative conduct is corrected immediately. 
  • Problems are addressed in the open. 

Management is the biggest player

Embrace feedback 

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Bill Gates

Listening to feedback is the fastest way to improve. It points directly at problems and asks us to come up with solutions. Feedback can also bring about great ideas. Your employees know what they want and need, so listen to them. 

Companies that embrace feedback can achieve quick improvements in employee engagement, performance, and retention. Because it’s a tool that can provide immediate action, it has huge potential for any team. To get started in building a solid feedback system, try these 3 basics:

  1. Create several channels for feedback. 
  2. Provide employees with safe spaces to communicate feedback. 
  3. Implement feedback in all departments, this is not just a HR issue. 

Recognize employees 

Acknowledge great performance, working under special circumstances, personal situations, and give employees space to feel appreciated for their hard work.

Foster a friendly environment 

Friendship in the workplace transforms going into a shift from a mere obligation to something more enjoyable. It can create a more functional workflow, and help employees avoid negative associations with work.