
Training is our reason to be

When we thought we had all the answers,
suddenly all the questions changed
Mario Benedetti

Where do you want to go?
We have been educated for a world that no longer exists, with the knowledge that we cannot explain. And it is that the educational system has been stagnant, and does not fulfil the purpose set, to create independent people, capable of developing individually to cooperate in society. This very system limits our possibilities and potentials. The alternative? Continuous training.

Friendly concierge standing behind a reception counter giving room information to two guests checking into a hotel

Who do we want to help?

We are aware of the needs in the hospitality sector, especially in hotels. The need to retain talent, to promote human capital, to increase the job satisfaction of their teams, to empower them, to be able to delegate and be decisive.

We understand the passion and extraordinary dedication that this group has with its business work, the professional and personal efforts that they contribute to the success of the company. Consequently, excessive stress and a work-life imbalance are dealt with daily.
It is because of these factors that we have been inspired to promote the solutions we offer.

Ultimately, we help our client’s guests enjoy their experience to the fullest, by providing superior service that exceeds expectations, and builds loyalty.

Why do we want to help you?

We start from the idea of ​​large corporations: standardize the service, promote the feeling of identity and create a team spirit. We are far from the rules established as normal, and we believe that success is in the personification of the service, not as much as in the personalization.

To be more specific, when staying in an establishment, guests appreciate a personalized service, where the team recognizes their name, their tastes, and even their preferences. At hosstinn, we trust that guests value personal closeness based on a genuine connection with the staff offering the service.

We want to promote this vision, and we want to refresh the sector for independent service organizations without the support of a corporate office, which represents more than 60% of the global market share. Therefore, they have enough strength to achieve the change of direction in the sector.

The goal behind this project is to help reshape the relationship between the owners, their talents, and their clients.

What will our clients get out of this? 

Consequently, superior service results in an increase in staff satisfaction, competitiveness of the organization, team engagement, motivation, and empowerment, reinforcing the trust in the organization.

We are aware of the change that the sector needs, and we are here to make it happen.