What do we leave behind?
While customer service has been the root of any hospitality establishment, in order to operate a successful one, customer satisfaction should be at the center of everyone’s efforts.
Leaders and managers of the best service organizations around the world do not just let customer service ‘just happen’. They take action to reach their goals of improved quality and level of service by benefits improving their customer service skills.

What do leaders do?
They must take actions such as setting internal customer-focused standards, to well-publicized customer care policies and operating procedures and to meet the benefits of customer service.
Good service standards are based on a complete understanding of the type of clientele you wish to attract. Knowing and communicating what satisfies them and makes them want to come back is key to smooth and successful operations.
The implementation of standards should be applied to every single department regardless of its contact with the guests. Back office team members are equally important. A service is felt by the guests throughout their experience regardless of which department it originated from. Service standards are necessary and should be the highlight of any good customer service strategy.
Why is it important?
In order to fully understand the role of service standards, we must first understand their importance. Standards are the keys to providing the right service and adapt to what is expected by the guests. It also clarifies the position of the staff involved, as well as what is demanded of them. In other words, it puts the establishment, the staff, and the guests on the same page.
However you approach standards, they can and do provide great benefits. Standards serve two main purposes: to establish the criteria for actions that are necessary to accomplish the service strategy and to attend as the measures of Quality Service.
The benefits of Customer Service standards include:
- Allows you to set expectations for both the internal and external clients.
- Leads to consistent service and can be a valuable training resource.
- Sets benchmarks that can be used to monitor and improve service standards.
- Provides the proper tools to help team members achieve objectives set.
- Supplies necessary tools to evaluate current customer service quality.
- Gives information that helps pinpoint problem areas in service so corrections can be made.
- Creates an environment where rewards can be given based on whether standards are reached and maintained.
- Forms a valuable part of marketing material.
Establishing priorities for customer services standards
The role of senior management in the development of service standards is essential. Without their visible support as well as engagement, no real change can be implemented. Management must confirm that the roles of every member are clear, as well as the resources they have at their disposal.
Managers can also check that critical considerations have been given and those service standards align with the overall hotel’s purpose, values, and priorities. Most importantly, service standards should be defined around the needs of guests.
Even though this is a really important task to follow and it helps to create an environment of ongoing improvement, not every team has the opportunity to spare time from their operational activity. Good thing that at hosstinn, this responsibility is our bread and butter.
Are your service standards well defined? If you wish to improve your standards and the quality of service, register now to become an Innsider.