
Team Management in the Hotel Industry

Advice from Alfredo Lachos

We want to highlight the valuable ideas and experiences shared by Alfredo. We’ve explored the current challenges that hotel managers face in managing people, as well as recommended strategies to improve motivation and reduce absenteeism.

Which are the main challenges in Team Management in the Hotel Industry?

Alfredo Lachos, with more than 25 years of experience in hotel management, identified several significant challenges in personnel management.

One of them is the change in the profile of team members who want to join the hotel industry. Previously, people sought to make a career by moving up from starting positions. However, at present, they find more itinerant workers.
Also, there are some recent concerns in the industry, such as the reconciliation between work and personal life and engagement with the company. In addition, new technologies have impacted the way in which human resources are managed.

Team management in hospitality

What strategies can Motivate the Team and Reduce Work Absenteeism?

To address these challenges, Alfredo Lachos suggests several effective strategies.

1. Communication 

First of all, he highlights the importance of establishing constant communication with employees and collaborators, clearly setting expectations and objectives.

2. Evaluation

In addition, he recommends implementing a continuous performance evaluation based on specific parameters, which makes it possible to objectively identify strengths and areas for improvement. These evaluations should be used to support and help the growth of the staff, instead of being tools to criticize or destroy.

Performance evaluation is a fundamental tool in staff management. Alfredo Lachos mentions that there are performance evaluations with around six or eight parameters that measure the performance of a collaborator. These evaluations must be based on previously established goals and objectives. It is important to emphasize that performance evaluation should not be based on personal preferences but on objective and measurable criteria.

3. Work climate

Another vital strategy is the creation of a positive work climate and a sense of belonging in the team. Alfredo mentions that each employee must feel part of the company and be motivated to achieve the established goals and objectives.

4. Personalized training

In addition, he highlights the importance of knowing the learning styles of each collaborator, which allows for adapting the management methodology and fostering an environment of individual development and growth.

The consequence of carrying out these continuous evaluation exercises and establishing action plans is greater staff motivation. When employees feel valued and understand what is expected of them, it creates a positive work environment that encourages their development and growth. In addition, the implementation of training and certification programs provides employees with a sense of achievement and improvement of their skills, which increases their motivation and job satisfaction.

What else is happening in the hotel industry…? 

We also discussed some relevant topics such as:

  1. Difference between LATAM and Spain.
  2. The importance of involving the universities connected to the hospitality success.
  3. Implementing a variable salary scheme.
  4. And more…
Webinar to discover trends to implement on your team management strategy


In short, effective staff management in the hospitality industry is a constant challenge. However, the strategies recommended by Alfredo Lachos, such as constant communication, performance evaluation, the creation of a positive work environment and the implementation of training programs, can make a difference in the motivation and commitment of the team. Staff management is not only the responsibility of managers but also of each individual within the organization. By knowing the needs and learning styles of employees, management can be adapted and foster an environment of continuous growth and development. Investing in the motivation and development of staff is key to the success of hotels in a highly competitive and constantly evolving environment.